Jenna Poonoosamy
Research scientist
Welcome to my webpage!
I am Jenna Poonoosamy, an early career Scientist at the Institute of Energy and Climate Research – IEK-6
Forschungszentrum Jülich. I am a radiochemist by training. I studied in France and had the opportunity to work in several research institutes (e.g., CNRS and CEA). Later I move to the Paul Scherrer Institut in Switzerland, where I did my Ph.D. Since then, I have continued my research at the Forschungzentrum Jülich in Germany.
Research Interests
My research deals with water-rock interactions that govern the evolution of many natural and engineered subsurface systems. I am particularly interested in the understanding and the development of process-based descriptions of reactive transport processes in porous media using creative and cutting-edge methods.
Keywords: Reactive transport in porous media, radionuclide uptake, and migration, multiphase flow, geochemical modeling, microfluidics, imaging techniques